Philo of Alexandria says “Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a great battle”

I invite all of us to be in the moment with this quote. We never know what another person may be challenged with, so wouldn’t it be wonderful to just be kind.

At the heart of all healing and transformation is kindfulness or you can say lovingkindness. It is a transformative practice of mindfulness meditation. When you bring an attitude of kindfulness into your life it will transform and offer you much ease.  Intentionally cultivating this state of kindness is important to make it your own. When you bring an attitude of kindness you deepen your experience of all of life. When you think of who you want as a life partner or friend it very often includes one who is kind. We actually heal ourselves when we lead with kindfulness. It softens and heals our hearts and souls. Kindfulness is a skill that with practice all of us can build so it becomes a natural way of being.

Kindness has to begin with ourselves. As we invite the intimate quality of love we can befriend our own nature and plant the seeds of self-love. A lovingkindness practice will transform your life. We begin with ourselves because our own heart needs the healing and care first. Once you have this experience you can then begin to offer it out to the world.

I like to ask: What is the kind thing to say or do in this moment?

A great way to begin practice is with neutral people, like the shop clerk. Practice kindness in this interaction. Then move on to friends, check in with yourself before speaking and ask are my words kind. Then you can move on to family. The practice then leads into people you have difficulty with. It’s amazing when you are kind how it can transform your interactions with others.

I invite you to begin with yourself. When a judgmental thought arises, notice, how does the judgement feel in your body and then choose to be kind instead. Switch the judgmental thought to one of kindness for yourself. You may want to place your hand on your heart when offering yourself this kindness. Take time to practice this throughout the day and begin to notice what shifts.

Then choose moments to be kind to others. It take slowing down a bit in conversation so each word you utter is chosen consciously. Bring some joy and light to this practice

My mindfulness training includes a loving kindness practice, a truly transformative practice.

May you treasure yourself.  ♥♥♥